The 4 seasons of Provence.
The crème de la crème for tourism!
Non, il n’y a pas que l’été… Parce qu’elle bénéficie d’une saisonnalité moins marquée que la plupart des régions côtières, la Provence propose des activités touristiques de qualité tout au long de l’année.
Colonie de flamants du Fangassier à Salin de Giraud © JE. ROCHE / Provence Tourisme
Un hiver à Marseille © vvOTCM
Kayak et paddle dans la baie de Marseille © V. BEAUME & B. SOULAGE / Provence Tourisme
Randonnée sur la Côte Bleue. © V. BEAUME & B. SOULAGE / Provence Tourisme
With its exceptional environment of a million and a half hectares of wooded areas, its nine regional natural parks, its multiple sites and its coast bordered by the Mediterranean, Provence makes an ideal terrain for doing outdoor leisure activities (hiking, cycling or horseback riding, mountain biking, climbing, diving, sailing etc). It is one of the leaders in French gastronomy, with several thousand restaurants (including 53 Michelin starred), thousands of producers and chefs (fruits and vegetables, meat, confectionery, olive oil to name a few) and more than 2,700 PDO or PGI winegrowers. This continuous celebration of flavours is highlighted by events such as the Marseille Provence Gastronomie which hosts the Food Truck, the Street Food Festival in June, the Unusual Dinners in July, the Olfactory Dinners and the Grand Repas in the autumn. Its cultural offer is recognized and particularly mediatized since the “Marseille-Provence 2013, European Capital of Culture” award. In the Bouches-du-Rhône, more than a thousand sites and monuments welcome 3.4 million visitors annually, the 160 or so museums receive more than 3.1 million people, and 800,000 spectators attend festivals on average. Finally, business tourism is prosperous thanks to its solid economic base and port and urban developments. This tourist infrastructure is complemented by major events that are organized, either regularly such as Cheval Passion (in January in Avignon), or exceptionally such as the Rugby World Cup in the autumn or the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024.