

Looking for good ideas and places? With exhibitions, festivals, concerts, shops, capsule collections, restaurants, bars and more, our Urban Guide pages tell you what's on and what's just opened on the Côte d’Azur. A great way to discover all the richness and diversity of the Côte d'Azur's culture, shopping, food and drink, from Saint-Tropez to Monaco. Local creators also have their say in these pages.

July 2023

Farago on the Roof.


Lionel Leoty Le Petit Lu Gourmand, Pauline Alix
© Anik Labreigne

The newly refurbished 600 m2 pano-ramic terrace on the AC Marriott Nice hotel roof promises to be the season’s highlight. It’s a great place to hang out until nightfall with live music, a mosaic pool, cocktails, and colourful dishes. A veritable ode to the good life, we also recommend it for Sunday brunch. This Nice staple has been given a makeover, with new four-poster furniture, tropical plants creating intimate spaces and Berber décor. Our gaze shifts between the sea and the mountains. Enjoy an eternal summer in a nomadic, bohemian atmosphere. 


Nice, 59 promenade des Anglais


+ de mets & plaisirs