

Ils sont artiste, cheffe étoilée, designer ou apiculteur, pilote automobile ou créatrice de mode. Leur point commun ? Ces personnalités glamour ou au cœur de la vie culturelle, économique et sociale régionale sont les moteurs de l’actualité azuréenne. Découvrez sans filtre le témoignage de leur parcours, leurs rêves, leurs ambitions et leurs projets à venir.

December 2023 Written by 
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Élodie Sarfati

Découvrir les talents

Par Maurice Gouiran
Prix Management /Management Award

Élodie Sarfati has an atypical career path that certainly prompted her to found People-In. After completing a Technology degree in journalism, she worked as a communication project manager, set up a consulting company, and then became a consultant in organization and change management. At the same time, she resumed her studies, obtained master’s degrees in organization and project management and psychology and attended the Institute of Neuro Cognitivism. Arriving in Avignon for family reasons, she embarked on entrepreneurship to imagine recruitment methods that would not be based on the eternal CV: People-In offers a “Software as a Service” solution for pre-selecting candidates based on skills tests. The aim is to meet the needs expressed, to make recruitment more inclusive and to highlight the real abilities of applicants. Élodie Sarfati›s innovative vision is proving to be particularly effective at a time when digital technology is changing working methods, when linear paths are giving way to atypical ones. People-In is well suited to diverse career paths, reorientation or retraining. This recruitment assistance is perfectly timed for a period when financial crises make companies and employees more adaptable to change. And efficiency is there since People-In reduces turnover, with 95% of trial periods being confirmed with this solution.

Chez People-In, on travaille en équipe !


The pre-screening tool allows you to use a test via a URL link and track applications on a platform. The test takes the form of an online case study created for the client company and is accessible directly from the job offer. Education engineers create the practical case simulation by integrating the skills sought, the sector of activity and the corporate identity and style guide etc. Know-how, skills and potential then take precedence over discriminatory criteria and stereotypes. This paves the way for the variety of profiles and the expression of those who are often excluded from traditional recruitment processes. We also take into account changes in the world of work and the behaviour of employees. With People-In, companies avoid overlooking a competent applicant who would have been eliminated on the basis of a CV. The diversified profile is synonymous with adaptability in a fluctuating environment where 85% of the jobs of tomorrow haven’t been invented yet.

Localisation : Avignon

Création : 1er août 2017

Activité : Plateforme de détection 

de talents sans CV

Dirigeante (présidente, gérante…) 

Elodie Sarfati

Capital social : 8 470 euros

Nombre collaborateurs : 10

Read 1364 times Last modified on 12.2023


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