

Ils sont artiste, cheffe étoilée, designer ou apiculteur, pilote automobile ou créatrice de mode. Leur point commun ? Ces personnalités glamour ou au cœur de la vie culturelle, économique et sociale régionale sont les moteurs de l’actualité azuréenne. Découvrez sans filtre le témoignage de leur parcours, leurs rêves, leurs ambitions et leurs projets à venir.

July 2023

Frédéric Pons

A BiM! for the boom in business creation

By Maurice Gouiran
Frédéric Pons veut modifier les mentalités dans un objectif de compétitivité de la France.

Frédéric Pons has given himself a mission of making Marseilles the city where we create the most! And he puts forward solid arguments to reinforce such an ambition: "With its diversity, its multiculturalism and its rebellious side, Marseilles fits perfectly with an entrepreneur’s profile. It is an ideal breeding ground to become the first entrepreneurial city in the world!  The co-founder and chairman of the Hopps Group knows what he's talking about. His group, which was created in 2017, specializes in the development of high-potential companies (acquisitions or creations) and supports nuggets present in several activity sectors, with building development plans focused on increasing revenues, generating synergies and creating value. His observation is based on statistics: "50% of young Marseilles residents want to become an entrepreneur, but only 5% realize their dream". His ambition is to increase from 5% to 15% within 3 years. "15% is much better than the USA, which is the leader with 12%!  To achieve this goal, Frédéric Pons has launched a research, training and mentoring program for entrepreneurship with Kedge Business School and Aix-Marseille University called Business in Marseilles (BiM!) targeting all young people aged from 16 to 30. This initiative will exploit the multiple assets of this Phocaean city which is ideally located in the heart of Europe, which is also a European Innovation Capital, an important economic hub and a national priority in the government's development plan. 


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