

Ils sont artiste, cheffe étoilée, designer ou apiculteur, pilote automobile ou créatrice de mode. Leur point commun ? Ces personnalités glamour ou au cœur de la vie culturelle, économique et sociale régionale sont les moteurs de l’actualité azuréenne. Découvrez sans filtre le témoignage de leur parcours, leurs rêves, leurs ambitions et leurs projets à venir.

December 2021

Trophée des Femmes Dirigeantes

  • Honneur aux femmes de l’économie provençale
  • Lancement de la première édition du Trophée des Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises/COTE Magazine, un événement qui met en avant les performances, l’engagement et la vision de nos dirigeantes.

Our region abounds with businesswomen bearing the banner of its values and ambitions. One business in three – 33% – is headed by a woman. This is more than the national average. They are younger than their male counterparts and have a higher success rate. The region is even ahead of the field in terms of businesswomen as a percentage of the total labour force. It was pride in these facts that led to the creation of these awards. The initiative came from COTE Magazine and the Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises network; it is partnered by the PACA Regional Council and the Aix-Marseille-Provence Chamber of Commerce. There are ten awards and all five FCE groups in Provence are represented. The FCEs decided who to put forward; they wanted to reward members who are notable for their performance, leadership, environmental contribution, transmission of skills or labour market inclusion. This special moment enables us to thank, congratulate and spotlight the women who are building our region. Our partners – Mx Marseille which is hosting the event, Maison Longchamp, the Station 7 car dealership, jewellers NAVA F&C and Banque Privée Milleis – are equally keen to convey this message and stand by successful women.

By Benjamin Perles - Illustration Audrey Schintu


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