

De la création de produits originaux aux nouvelles technologies de l’information et la communication, les entreprises azuréennes sont un véritable atout de la région. Economie, banque, immobilier, urbanisme, architecture… cette rubrique se place au plus près des initiatives et transformations de nos villes. Ici, le concours ArchiCOTE vient également tous les ans récompenser les projets d’architectes les plus engagés et inscrits dans leur territoire.

September 2023

Résidence pour personnes âgées, Cannes La Bocca

Prix logement collectif


Retirement home, Cannes-la-Bocca

The Dionysos residence aims to accommodate thirty-three social housing units tailored to the needs of an ageing population, as well as offices and business premises. It will provide fully adapted one-bedroom apartments for senior citizens. The architectural concept revolves around two axes. Firstly, an optimal "typical cell" with minimum circulation to maximise living space. Then, grouping all the cells around a communal area, with openings onto the landscape offering a dual orientation. Crowned with a tiled gable roof, they feature large balconies. The result is a dynamic, rhythmic facade, in contrast to the monotonous architecture of some residences. 

The jury's opinion: "This project's ingenuity, which has its merits because it's a very tightly priced project, lies in the design of modular apartment cells, producing a very nice floor plan and varied facades when multiplied, as in a construction game.


Maîtrise d’ouvrage : OPH Cannes Pays de Lérins

Architectes : In Situ Architectes

Surface : 2 038 m2

Montant des travaux : 3 768 682 € HT

Livraison : juin 2022


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