

Looking for good ideas and places? With exhibitions, festivals, concerts, shops, capsule collections, restaurants, bars and more, our Urban Guide pages tell you what's on and what's just opened. A great way to discover all the richness and diversity of the Provence culture, shopping, food and drink, from. Local creators also have their say in these pages.

May 2018

Victor Lunetier

  • espace, Victor Lunetier. Boutique ouverte en décembre 2017, elle est aujourd’hui tenue par Stéphanie Malméjac et Olivier Lenzini, deux opticiens, deux personnalités qui ont misé sur la lunette de créateur. Histoire de faire changer le regard de la clientèle afin qu’elle sorte des marques vues, revues et ultra-vendues, Ray-Ban, Police en tête… Cutting-edge creativity!

Boutique Victor Lunetier Marseille

Une offre de qualité qui vaut le coup d’œil !






Talla and Schnuchel for bespoke eyewear, Randolph and Eyepetizer for sunglasses... many a niche brand brought together by one optician, Victor Lunetier. The shop, which opened in December 2017, is run by Stéphanie Malméjac and Olivier Lenzini, both opticians but individual personalities and firmly focused on designer eyewear. Their goal is to give the eyewear clientele something different to look at – and through – to tempt them away from those old chestnuts Ray-Ban, Police etc.

34 rue d’Endoume, Marseille 7e
Tél. 04 88 92 24 60


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