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July 2014

The Pearlman Collection at the Musée Granet

  • Cézanne and Modernism

«Chance plays a big part in the building of a collection,» said Henry Pearlman. Fifty masterpieces including 24 Cézannes are on show in Aix, on loan from Princeton University Art Museum.

New York businessman and collector Henry Pearlman, passing by an auction gallery one day, bought a painting on impulse: a Chaïm Soutine landscape with swirling colours. The collector’s passion was born. Over a 30-year period, Pearlman built one of the richest collections of European art in the United States, always firmly focused on the Post-Impressionists, with works by Manet, Cézanne, Renoir, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Modigliani, Soutine, Kokoschka and more. Princeton University Art Museum, where the collection has been on long-term loan from the Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation since 1976, is taking these 50 masterpieces around a select few museums in Europe, the Musée Granet among them. The show boasts 24 Cézannes, including one of his finest views of Mont Sainte-Victoire and more than 18 drawings and watercolours, and paintings rarely seen in Europe such as Modigliani’s Portrait de Jean Cocteau, Van Gogh’s Diligence de Tarascon, Manet’s Jeune Femme au chapeau rond, Toulouse-Lautrec’s Messaline, sculptures by Paul Gauguin, and Le Chemin de Céret by Soutine. Oscar Kokoschka’s Portrait de Pearlman and a bronze head of the collector by Lipchitz bespeak Pearlman’s close links with artists.

Du 12 juillet au 5 octobre 2014 – Musée Granet, 18 rue Roux Alphéran – 13100 Aix-en-Provence


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