

Ils sont artiste, cheffe étoilée, designer ou apiculteur, pilote automobile ou créatrice de mode. Leur point commun ? Ces personnalités glamour ou au cœur de la vie culturelle, économique et sociale régionale sont les moteurs de l’actualité azuréenne. Découvrez sans filtre le témoignage de leur parcours, leurs rêves, leurs ambitions et leurs projets à venir.

April 2022


Marlène Renaud

For sustainable business


What does the CQS slogan “giving meaning to the organisation” mean to you?
Marlène Renaud - For me, giving meaning is providing consulting missions that make sense for our clients. It is about feeling useful, accompanying and especially training, transferring skills so that businesses and individuals can develop competencies, taking ownership of their approach and the tools used. I dare to believe that we are planting small seeds in the hearts of the people we meet and that tomorrow they will themselves be
bearers of meaning in their families, local ecosystems, etc.

Without “collective intelligence”, there is no Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Is that right?
M. R. - Yes indeed. At CQS, we have been working on “collective intelligence” with experts on the subject for more than ten years. CQS has a team of consultants, auditors, and trainers—and a network of experts—that offer tailor-made actions such as understanding the fundamentals of CSR, initiating a strategic and operational approach, building, and sustaining it, communicating, promoting commitments, and obtaining a CSR label. Once the scope is defined, the first structuring step is to get the entire management committee and employees on board and empower a project team. It is then a matter of building the approach in a permanent link with all internal and external stakeholders. 

What about your activities in the hotel and restaurant sector?
M. R. - We work as partners of Groupe Majorian, in particular the Les Collectionneurs network. CQS wants to help support entrepreneurs in the hospitality and restaurant industry. These are intense encounters, as was the case with Jérôme Héraud, chef at the Cantemerle Hôtel-Restaurant & Spa, who recently passed away, and with Philippe Girardon, Meilleur Ouvrier de France and chef at the Domaine de Clairefontaine in Vienna. Something happens in the heart; meeting them is undeniably like leaving with stars in your eyes.

Les consultants et experts de CQS accompagnent les entreprises dans leur démarche d'amélioration continue.


CQS is a consulting firm with dedicated CSR and training organisation departments; a department providing HR services and skills assessments; a CYBELE Systems department publishing its business management software solution. CQS specialises in quality consulting: labelling, certification, accreditation, integrated quality systems, and CSR sustainable development. It assists clients in their organisational, management, and change management challenges to ensure the sustainability of their approaches. Here, 15 salaried employees and more than 100 consultants and coaches audit, train and support clients on issues related to their company and team management, HSE (Health Safety Environment) quality and CSR. Its head office is in Nice.

Localisation : Nice
Création : 2004
Activité : conseils pour les affaires et autres conseils de gestion
Dirigeante : Marlène Renaud
Capital social : 1 000 €
Collaborateurs : 15 salariés et plus d’une centaine de consultants 


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