

Ils sont artiste, cheffe étoilée, designer ou apiculteur, pilote automobile ou créatrice de mode. Leur point commun ? Ces personnalités glamour ou au cœur de la vie culturelle, économique et sociale régionale sont les moteurs de l’actualité azuréenne. Découvrez sans filtre le témoignage de leur parcours, leurs rêves, leurs ambitions et leurs projets à venir.

Marie Serra

"I like using books to open windows to new worlds." 

You don’t always dare to follow your early intuitions, but Marie Serra did when she took the plunge and picked up the reins at Librairie Masséna.

Jury’s Favourite Prize 

Dossier réalisé par Eve Chatelet

Some people believe in universal signs, while others see life as a combination of circumstances. Be that as it may, it was a casual remark that opened a new page in Librairie Masséna’s history. “We were in here stocking up with the family one day, and each time the bookseller recommended something, it turned out to be a book I'd already spotted or bought; his parting words were that he’d soon have to sell his shares in the company. He might have been cracking a joke, but I was genuinely interested,” says Marie Serra. 

This bibliophile enjoys delving into everything and had already realised during her law studies that she felt more at home in a library, even drawing up a business plan at the time – a pipe dream, especially as her civil servant parents had not exactly instilled the entrepreneurial spirit in their daughter.She became head of legal affairs in a property development company, adding accounting and management to her skills, and this time around, the opportunity was just too good to pass up. Réseau Initiative France, a bank loan went through… all the lights turned green, and Marie became a business owner.


The little things that make the difference

“I originally thought I'd open a bookshop like Les Parleuses in Nice, and then I was offered a beautiful ocean liner with a steady cruising speed and a fantastic team.” A major challenge but there is no question of backing down! 

“When people used to ask me what my profession was, I was a little embarrassed to say, but now
I must confess I'm proud of what I do, and people seem to think I have a very sexy job. But don't run away with the idea talking about books is what keeps me busy, as much as I love doing that. My job is 90% handling or invoicing and about 10% recommending books and attending events. Ordering books, putting them on shelves, and keeping the accounts.” 

Some people come to Marie's bookshop every day. “For those who want to stay in their bubble, we leave little handwritten notes on books here and there to share our favourites. I meet people who tell me they don't read, but they do – they love graphic novels.”


Librairie Masséna

This independent bookshop set up 25 years ago, is well known by Nice book lovers for its friendly atmosphere and the chance to chat. Besides literary blockbusters from Hachette and Galimard, you’ll find smaller publishers, including Zulma, Les Editions Zoé and Le Tripode. “Completely refurbished in 2019, the bookshop will soon have a colourful, cosy children's section. We're also going to open an English-language bookshop in premises that have become available directly opposite,” enthuses Marie Serra. Apart from regular talks followed by an aperitif from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm and book-signing sessions from 4 pm to 6 pm, the bookshop also helps with numerous events aimed at young people.


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