

Vous pensiez connaître ? Provence et touristes… à quelques pas de chez vous ou de votre hôtel se cache l’inattendu. Entre mer et sommets préalpins, littoral ponctué de baies, presqu’îles et terres ensoleillées, les palaces, les plages, les golfs et les balades vous réservent de belles surprises. Partez à la découverte de ces lieux remarquables.

July 2023

Plage Beau Rivage

The greenest


An exceptional beach, the largest on the Promenade des Anglais, is as popular as ever. It celebrates the summer season this year after securing the Clef Vert Ecolabel in recognition of its strong environmental commitment. And there’s no skimping on change! The decor has also had a makeover. Inspired by the French Riviera spirit, the art of Bohemian living translates into a plant-based pergola, rush carpets, and rattan hanging baskets - natural materials as a nod to its coveted award. At the helm of the kitchen, Chef Alain Zapparoli promises creative cuisine using local produce. The chic and intimate lounge serves cocktails and sweet treats at any time of the day. Beau-Rivage Beach offers a festive musical programme for long summer evenings. 

107 quai des Etats-Unis,

Tél. 04 92 00 46 80


+ de plages