March 2017

Hôtel des Arts Toulon

  • Richard Baquié, 20 years on.


 richard baquie

 Richard Baquié, Fixer, 1994.

This Marseille artist blazed through the 1980s/90s like a meteorite: lightning-like national and international recognition (ARCA-Roger Pailhas, Centre Pompidou, Guggenheim in New York, Documenta in Kassel...), a career of barely 10 years and a premature death at 44. Toulon’s Hôtel des Arts polishes up Baquié’s credentials with the assistance of Jean-François Chougnet, the MuCEM’s president, and photographer Yves Gallois, the sculptor’s travelling companion. Together they set out to offer initiates and newcomers alike a “rereading of his work” freed from the image of “DIY artist focused on his Marseille identity”. “I’m seeking a sculpture that acts,” Baquié stated, at a time when that medium was little appreciated. His oeuvre, like his life, strikes a special chord today.


Jusqu’au 7 mai

236 bd Maréchal Leclerc, Tél. 04 83 95 18 40