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avril 2023

Villa Arson Nice

Par Tanja StojanovThe fire next time

Dessin d’Aminata Labor, 2023.

The fire next time

The title of this exhibition comes from a novel by American writer James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time. An autobiographical text on the theme of black Americans’ struggle against racism, which shakes things up, disturbs, and is, above all, a clarion call for human rights. The exhibition questioning identities, actual, perceived, performed or imposed, in Villa Arson’s institutional space was conceived by its curators Mawena Yehouessi and Rosanna Puyol as a space-time for study. This work draws on joy, resentment, and pleasure, linked by the energy of friendship.
So, a fire that burns and the fire in the hearth.

Jusqu’au 7 mai

20 avenue Stephen Liegeard, Nice - Tél. 04 92 07 73 73

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